MRNews in english

Our selection for english speaking readers
Views from French and Francophone market research experts, now in English

« Today, a brand’s strength is measured by its community » – Interview with Sarah Laurier (Groupe IFOP)

« Today, a brand’s strength is measured by its community » – Interview with Sarah Laurier (Groupe IFOP)

Are « content creators » the new consultants for brands? – Interview with Laurent Delbecq (The Social Wire – Semantiweb Group)

Are « content creators » the new consultants for brands? – Interview with Laurent Delbecq (The Social Wire – Semantiweb Group)

« Generating memorable experiences is key to building customer loyalty! » – Interview with Fabienne Galzin (BVA Xsight)

« Generating memorable experiences is key to building customer loyalty! » – Interview with Fabienne Galzin (BVA Xsight)

« Actionability must prevail over the tyranny of metrics! »- Interview with Lea König et Truong Nguyen (OpinionWay)

« Actionability must prevail over the tyranny of metrics! »- Interview with Lea König et Truong Nguyen (OpinionWay)

« AI lends itself to a brilliant marriage with qualitative research! » – Interview with Isabelle Fabry (ActFuture)

« AI lends itself to a brilliant marriage with qualitative research! » – Interview with Isabelle Fabry (ActFuture)

« The integration of generative AI is a decisive leap forward for market research ». – Interview with Mathilde Guinaudeau and François Thiebaut (Ipsos)

« The integration of generative AI is a decisive leap forward for market research ». – Interview with Mathilde Guinaudeau and François Thiebaut (Ipsos)